Country Wedding Elements - Country Wedding Papers
There are a couple of trains I'm participating in this month. Thank you for including me in your stops today. If you are looking for The Digi Express Train, you will find my portion HERE. This month's Pixel Scrapper blog train has a Country Wedding theme. I cannot go on without saying I was ecstatic to work with this theme and colors! I wish I could have done more. I had so many more ideas in my head but, since I was pathetically late, I called it finished. I may just keep working and put some more up on Facebook as an add-on! :D So, without further ado . . . here is my contribution. Please remember my kits are for your own personal use. Send your friends here to share the love. Thanks! Here are the direct links to the Country Wedding Elements - Country Wedding Papers The full list of train participants is HERE.
About MeI am the mother of two amazing children. Archives
September 2019